Wednesday, April 14, 2010

why you need to leave your relif sector

The whole history of humanity witness that nobody innate genius. we all learn things from society. If you start reading biographies of successful persons then you realise one thing that greatness only come by stretching yourself to the extent. There are lots of examples in history like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Mahatma Gandhi. We all know their suffering in life. But we cannot ignore this truth average people are afraid of change. They don’t want to change the things they have been doing. Because people don’t know what they don’t know. They want change in life but they don’t want to leave their relief zone. Because people take change as a difficulty. They never think that difficulties are opportunity to find out alternatives of problem and the truth is if you are not stretching yourself regularly, life will not improve you. The question arises why should people need to leave their comfort area? To realise their truth potential, to have an impact, to feel great, to improve the quality of life, to get the things a person wants. So if you want to become a lot more than you are now, in any aspect of your life, then you have to work through that resistance to change. Firstly what is relief sector of people? For instance: people are having same network from many years, same thinking from many years, same type of food they take and same way they people are doing things. Small things that reflect how person will do big things in life? People doing what they have been doing but expecting different results. Get into the habit of making little stretches each and every day and keep this thing in mind by leaving your relief sector, one can shape his destiny.

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